Javed Jangda

Javed Jangda

Company CEO

CEO Message

Considering the fluctuating trends of trade, ship owners, operators and charterers are always seeking proactive and steadfast solution providers, those who can provide high level intelligence, analysis and on-ground implementatation and support services.

Nibzoh SOlutions Inc. stands tall at maintaining an unsurpassed quality of services, whether On-shore/off-shore, at and Pakistani/International port.

Our employees are the most valuable assets, therefor mutual respect and dignity are the milestones of our work ethics. When providing services to our clients, we bear in mind that the standards of our competitors are, by no means, a yardstick for comparison. At Nibzoh Solutions Inc. we create benchmarks.

We value long-term relationships – with business partners, customer, suppliers and our own staff.

WE at Nibzoh Solutions Inc. are well aware of the country’s intricate shipping environment, therefore we take extra measure and relentless efforts to be readily geared for any unforeseen circumstances, while meeting our underlying motto; the smoother you sail the better we feel.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +92-21-35303197-99

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